The green side
Going green has been a growing standard for businesses across the world since the 1960s-70s. It’s becoming more attractive than ever as of late, with reusable products, recycled furniture, up cycled clothing, and internet access to everything. No doubt the creative aspect of it has helped the world, but has our attraction to Eco-friendliness created over consumption and ruined the reasoning of it entirely? The craze over reusable drinking products has been at an all time high creating over consumption, yet booming business. So does this mean that over consumption is a good thing on the business side? There are so many questions we could ask ourselves, but sometimes we fail to remember the purpose of an Eco-friendly living.
Over the past 10 years the production of housing has increased regarding HOA’s, private homes, apartment buildings, and vacation homes at 66%, but at the back side of that increase is heavy profit for companies, and the investors. So why should the investors, big corporations, and construction companies profit from homes alone? Shouldn’t new homeowners find a way to make their investment work for them not only for profit but for their well-being? Being Eco-friendly may be the answer! The savings incentives add up to $3,200 a year on federal income taxes for energy efficiency improvements to your home (which are available nationwide) You could apply for an energy efficient home improvement credit near $1,200. Regarding solar panels you can save around $1,500+ annually on energy bills, yet the downside of this is that the average homeowner who gets solar panels installed will wait nearing 9 years to accumulate savings. Regarding solar panels the benefits differ depending on where you live, system size, electric rates, credit, etc. Savings can be as much as $42,00+ if you reside in the same location for longer than 20 years. We recommend starting your Eco-friendly journey through Energy star to find the best products. Plus our findings from energy star flaunt the biggest bargain regarding your home’s resale value price premium ranging from 2% to 8% in an energy efficient market. This is guaranteed to lead to energy efficient home’s being a great listing and selling point to clients looking for a new property to work not only for them, but for the planet.
The scary part about our carbon footprint is that the average Americans footprint is 16 tons annually, yet if you are willing to go eco-friendly that could reduce to 34% but this is disregarded if the home you’re selling is bigger than expected. Incorporating these friendly features will impact your environment, your family and friends, the sustainability of your home, and the market value of your land, and home quality. Driving away from products and value, let’s consider what we all might have in mind, health and comfort. Implementing both health and comfort are these great qualities from eco-friendliness.
- Lower home maintenance: The natural materials used from energy efficient appliances can create a clean less clotted home full of natural non-toxic by-products requiring less toxic cleaning products.
- Improved immune system: You’re less likely to obtain a broadband sickness or common virus with healthy bacteria, and sustainable clean natural material, in your home rather than unnatural bacteria created from mixed materials, chemicals, and more.
- Skin complexity improvement: Eco-friendly homes mainly require a natural light source through windows giving the family inside more natural vitamins, and better overall skin appearance, not only from the outside but inside their home.
- Improved air quality: Most energy efficient products have highly engineered filtration systems allowing you to breathe better without inhaling toxins, by-products, refrigerant, and more unnecessary fluid or gas. It reduces the risk of possible respiratory infections, diseases, and allergy symptoms.
Considering these great benefits for a buyer and seller in the market to improve their living or profit, these benefits improve real estate agents’ keen eye when it comes to selling what you believe in, want to spread awareness to, and to sell better growing environments to families near you. This is also a great point for developers and investors to look after regarding how attractive going green is when it comes to a vocational stay, their construction carbon footprint, and to grow a profitable establishment with a couple Eco-friendly implications. Invest in what matters most, invest in knowledge for success!