
Our Elevate Hub allows you to browse our marketing services panel and apply for a marketing partnership at no cost! We are here to boost your business and assess your goals with our tailored one on one marketing. Our services panel showcases the perks of our marketing services!

You will receive tailored and customizable marketing solutions according to your brand/organizational needs to reach your goals quicker. If your goals change, so will our strategy to align step by step to your marketing criteria. 

Haven’t started a brand yet? You will recieve one on one virtual time with the CEO of to generate brand ideas, create a Profitable niche strategy for your intention, plan a financial goal pertaining to your personal feasabilities, and curating brand identity to fit within your lifestyle. You will also receive access to all creative design projects through our design apps of choice with linked access. All designs we create or build with you will be articulated to your brand’s identity and mission while elevating it’s potential with modernization.

If you are not local to SC, you will still receive one on one assistance virtually. Access to calls will depend on the schedule that is agreed upon after your application is accepted! Our CEO will assist you with any questions you may have, concerns about marketing tactics, and creating a full in depth plan to reach potential success.

Once you receive an acceptance email, you will receive an in-depth email regarding the next steps. You will receive the ability to request post content, reel content, and creative designs pertaining to marketing your business. You will further have access to all of the completed work through our collaboration after your plan has ended. We assist with more than just the virtual aspect of marketing and creativity. Physical designs and marketing are offered as well.

Apply for a marketing partnership

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Can I edit Marketing content that has already been completed? What if I don't agree with the marketing performance?

You can edit anything you have been given access to by, and at any time regarding your marketing needs. Photos within your tailored content can be changed, cropped, videos may be evaluated, edited within reason.

If you don’t agree, like or will accept the quality of marketing work by you can email us at or contact our CEO after you’ve received other contact information with any and all concerns and solution requests. 

What is investthereal's marketing?

Investthereal’s tailored marketing assistance will be customized to your needs for success. You will be able to agree upon a marketing plan and pricing for that plan. Pricing is listed in another frequently asked box. You will create content through our CEO’s preferred design app (Canva) and discuss your content however you choose to establish contact whether that may be via phone call, Google meet, zoom, locally, or through email. The marketing content created will be based on your needs. Whether that is a physical pamphlet, simple design, advertisement help, creative work, online post, etc. Our marketing is solely partnered not fully exclusive. Our mission is to help all brands whether small or vast. 

Pricing? Fees?

Fees and pricing will be accessible through your application response within 48 hours if your application is accepted. will not and does not charge an application fee for application submission. You will be informed on our flat rate fee for any individual or multiple forms of collaborative and or sole work delivered from us within the time you work with us and after you work with us. Pricing and fees for our work is negotiable, but our flat rate fees are not. 

Do I need to provide a business/organization name if I don't have one for brand start-up assistance?

The business/organization box above on our application form is not a required field of entry however it is highly recommended to fill. We advise that if you do not have a brand or organization name that you fill the box with your potential brand/organizational name and state so that it is a (potential name) in the inquiry proposal box below it. This helps us develop a sense of your intent. 

What happens next if I receive a rejection email?

Don’t worry! If you are rejected you can apply once more within a months time. Rejections are not solely based on brand reputation and trust. We base our exception and rejection criteria on trustworthiness, feasible marketing goals, legitimacy, reputation, and time capabilities. If has an overflow of clientele you may be likely to be rejected due to our standard of care for whom we chose to work with. We treat any and all brands/organizations with the same level of care and no less. We respect that brands need time to create marketable content and planning. 


What else does investthereal offer?

We offer marketing assistance/partnerships, Free blog access regarding lifestyle changes, beneficial solutions, real estate strategies, marketable brand tactics, sustainable home solutions, leveling up your career, and continuing education. To continue, we offer our partnered real estate licensing education, appraisal, land surveying, engineering, and more continuing education at a click of a button.